Wednesday, March 9, 2011

If I Only Had the Nerve....

The Cowardly Lion in the "Wizard of Oz" story lacked what many of us lack at times when it comes to facing things head on - Courage.  Remember his #1 hit?

"Yeah, it's sad, believe me Missy, When you're born to be a sissy, Without the vim and verve
But I could show my prowess, Be a lion, not a mowess If I only had the nerve."

Truth is, we are all born with a level of courage.  We aren't born to be "sissies," (if you don't believe me, you need to observe kids - they'll try almost anything with no fear) but over time, fear creeps into the equation and stops us from acting courageously in life and in leadership.  This past week, Gwen and I along with our Youth Pastor attended the Catalyst West Conference in California and the theme of the conference was "Take Courage." 

When it comes to leadership, you have to have "the nerve" otherwise your organization will never progrss beyond its current reality nor reach its full potential.  Churches that play it safe all the time and lack courageous leadership are doomed to wallow in the pits of mediocrity and never fully impact their communities for the sake of the Gospel.  I walked out of that conference determined to lead courageously and not allow the organization I lead fail to reach its full potential.  That may involve some risks, but ultimately, didn't Christ demonstrate the ultimate courageous risk for the sake of humanity? 

My favorite quote from Catalyst West came from the keynote talk Andy Stanley gave:  "A single act of courage can become the tipping point for something extraordinary to happen in your life." 

It takes courage not only to lead, but to live vicariously in these uncertain times.  Where do you need something extraordinary to happen in your experience?  Leadership, personal finance, your business, your marriage, with your children?  Do you need to act courageously in one of these areas - make a tough decision, launch a new initiative, have a difficult conversation, face an uncomfortable conflict head on?  That one single act of courage may be the tipping point for something extraordinary to happen.  It takes nerve to lead and live and we don't want to look back on our experiences and wonder what would have happened if we'd only had the nerve.  Be courageous. 

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