Friday, April 9, 2010

PCG Vision Quest Afternoon Session

The Four Faces of Me

Ps 139 – I am fearfully and wonderfully made

Prov. 30:24-28

Until we know who we are we will not know how to relate to other people.

We are in ministry because we love people. Some become bitter towards people over time but we have to remember what we are called to do.

Solomon wrote down the 4 personalities in Proverbs 30 – characteristics and how they function. A leader has to understand the temperament of his/her self and those on his/her team. Jesus understood the strengths and weaknesses of his disciples. People are all individual but how they act can be predictable based on their temperament.

Four Basic Personality Types (We have 2 dominant but all 4 are within us)

1. Choleric
2. Sanguine
3. Melancholy
4. Phlegmatic

In Prov. 30, Solomon outlines these 4 personalities with the animals he uses. You have to recognize your personality.

The Ant

This is the goal oriented personality. They’re strength gives them their determination. They are incredibly focused, yet temperamental. The ant is aggressive and confrontational. Rude, bossy, pushy, don’t care who they offend but they get the job done. 3% of the population has this and they get things done.

Biblical example – Paul (Acts 9:15)

We need people in our ministries like this who will have a fire in them and get things done even if we have to deal with their negatives

The Locust

The Party personality – the networkers. No one uniquely stands up to lead them but because of their networking they stay together. Locusts do no do well alone but they devastate land when they band together. They love to socialize and do things in a group. Talking is their main pastime. They would rather talk than work. Emotional, optimistic, and encouraging. Very demonstrative. Great at getting people together.

Biblical Example – Peter (John 18:10-11) (Matt 17:4ff)

The Conie

The team player. Conies are large rock rabbits. They have the ability to move very quickly. In the wild they will stand on guard and look out for the team in case anyone is in danger. They are comfortable and safe in the environments of peace and serenity. Nearly 70% of people have this. Loyal, team players, family oriented people.

Biblical Example – Barnabas

The Spider

The analyzer. The perfectionist. They are loners, and probe the crack and crevices of a dwelling until they get to the King’s place. They are high achievers and probe until they reach their goals.

Biblical Example – John

We have all four of these in us – 2 are dominant. We have to understand who we are and then understand who the people we lead are.

“Build on our strength, recognize your weakness”

This was a great session.  You can unpack more of this in Florence Littauer's classic book "Personality Plus."

The perfect team is present when you have all 4 working together.  As Pastors, we need to evaluate those on our team and use their personalities to the fullest by plugging them into ministries that fit.

There is an online personality plus test based on this book.  Here is the link
Pers. Plus Test

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